Vision of Hope

Angie M. Steele
Angie M. Steele is a freelance writer and author of the book Lessons from the Heart: How I Found Meaning For My Life From My Dying Mother. Angie is an advocate for positive children's programming, and a seasoned professional with experience executing programs, media, and public relations strategies across diverse industries, including technology, ministry, and entertainment.
Over the years she has helped businesses maximize their exposure by securing national radio and television placement, and print media. She has a passion for television programming and has managed the live production of a major television ministry here in the Raleigh/Durham area with programming aired nationally. She has written stage plays and is the producer of a children's animation series called the Adventures of Warner D.
Learn more about Angie's latest book!
When you're left numb from the death of a loved one, know that you're not alone and it's not the end of your life as you know it. Find out how to move forward after the death of a loved one from Angie's latest book, Lessons From the Heart, How I Found Meaning for My Life From My Dying Mother.

Speaking & Discussions
Angie Steele is a sought after speaker on matters of the heart related to the loss of the loved one. Facilitated discussions on her newest book,
Lesson From the Heart: How I Found Meaning For My Life From Dying Mother
are available by calling 919-358-0841 or email angie@asteeleinc.com.
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